Journey to Jerusalem is a daily Bible reading resource for churches, families, groups of friends and individuals that encourages us to journey with Jesus through the events leading up to Easter Sunday.

The ten days of readings begin on the Friday before Holy Week with the story of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead. This reading sets the scene for Jesus’ final journey to Jerusalem, which begins on Saturday with his return to Bethany, the scene of that amazing miracle and the home of Mary, Martha and Lazarus. In Matthew’s account, Bethany acts as a base for Jesus and his disciples during the events of Holy Week. It is at Bethany that Jesus is anointed with oil, preparing his body for his death to come. And it is from Bethany that Jesus makes his final journey into Jerusalem that will lead to his death and resurrection.

How to use this resource

Each day there is a set Bible reading. Before you read, take time to pray that God would open his Word and speak, that you might understand more of Jesus. We have provided a reflection on the text for each day.

Also included in each day is an activity. Some of these are aimed particularly at children but most can be enjoyed by children and adults alike. They are a further way to help engage with the story of Jesus, things that will help us journey to Jerusalem with the Saviour as we pass through the ordinary activities of each day.
