Love Is... Easter study resourceWelcome to Love is…, a daily Bible reading resource for churches, families, groups of friends and individuals to encourage us to listen to conversations Jesus had as He heads towards the cross.

The ten days of readings begin on the Friday before Holy Week (18th March 2016). Beginning with Jesus washing the disciple’s feet at the last supper, these readings focus on the love that God demonstrates for us through Jesus, and the love that Jesus calls us to have. The first seven days all take place on the evening Jesus was betrayed, with the remaining days following the story of crucifixion, burial and resurrection.

How to use this resource

Each day there is a set Bible reading. Before you read, take time to pray that God would open His Word and speak, that you might understand more of Jesus. We have provided a reflection on the text for each day. Following the reading, the same four questions are suggested to help your personal reflection upon the passage.

Also included in each day is an activity. Some of these are aimed particularly at children but most can be enjoyed by children and adults alike. They are a further way to help engage with the story of Jesus, things that will help us understand God’s love for us in Jesus, and the love Jesus calls us to have, as we pass through the ordinary activities of each day.

As we prepare again to celebrate the amazing salvation of God in Christ this Easter, we pray that this short guide would allow the reality and truth of what happened that first Easter to come alive in each of our lives. May we consider afresh the wonderful love God has for us, demonstrated and proclaimed through his son Jesus Christ, and may we hear again Christ’s call for us to love.


  • Love Is... Found at EasterA daily Bible reading resource that encourages us to listen to conversations Jesus had as He heads towards the cross