Our latest issue of Alive & Active is out now!

Featured in the Autumn issue is an article written by our Children’s Resource Manager, Jen Robertson, thinking about connecting the old with the new as we attempt to reach children, young people and families by creating spaces to discuss the Bible.

The Bible is an ancient book. Our job is not to make it relevant, rather we need to find ways and places where we can get to understand it more as we ask difficult questions, express our doubts, and learn how to live in our present culture as followers of Jesus, in the Bible. ~ Jen.

We also feature a round-up of Nabil Omiesh’s visit to Scotland earlier this year. Nabil is the Director of the Bible Society in Iraq, and spent a week visiting churches around Scotland to thank our supporters for their prayers and financial giving.

Nabil expressed his thanks, saying:

Your help makes a big difference in our lives when we go through great difficulties. Your support for our programmes like trauma healing and Bible distribution helps us a lot. Please keep praying for us and thank you so much.

For all this and more, including a feature on an exciting Bible advocacy project currently happening in the heart of Glasgow, read Alive & Active below.

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